Author: Whitney Woody


Genetic Differences

The physical differences between men and women are obvious. Any physical difference (facial hair, muscle mass, etc.) is due to the biological differences in the X and Y chromosomes. Women obtain an X chromosome from both parents while men obtain an X chromosome from the mother and a Y chromosome […]



Oh, sure, we all claim to speak the same language, but everyone in the know happens to know that men and women may as well be living on different hemispheres when it comes to certain things. What follows are some of the most confusing, perplexing and otherwise insane things that […]


Battle of the Brains

Men and women don’t think alike. There are physiological differences that make communication between the two sexes a sometimes difficult task. These differences affect the daily lives and decisions of both sexes. The physical differences in the brain can be the easiest to research and analyze because of current technology. […]


Switching sides: Gender lines are becoming vague in fashion

When it comes to guys and girls, there are obvious differences in clothing styles. Now that women are allowed to wear pants, teen clothing options have varied in the last century. Gender roles may dictate that these lines for clothing be strict, but recently they have become blurred and may […]


TV-62’s Stereotypes addresses an “age-old question”

This issue is all about dealing with guys and girls. And if I didn’t know any better, I’d give TV-62 a high-five for creating the perfect game show to deal with the issues surrounding the different sexes. Well, they didn’t do it on purpose, but I’ll give them a high-five […]


An honest appearance

In the spectrum of stereotypical things I could complain about when it comes to women (including things that every stand-up comedian has beaten to death), the absolute most irritating aspect I can think of is simply this: dishonesty. I don’t mean that women are liars or naturally dishonest and I […]


Hardwired attraction

We all know the generalization that all men are obsessed with physical beauty. We also know there is a great deal of conflict between the sexes. But why? Where did it come from? The key word here is evolution. Physical attractiveness goes hand in hand with the reproductive value of […]


The Inner Battle of the Sexes

In our society, there are two clear genders: male and female. Androgyny may be trendy, but there are only ‘male’ and ‘female’ check boxes on driver’s license forms, birth certificates, and other forms. So what happens if you just don’t fit into either category? What happens when the doctor picks […]



Teen thriller Scream (1996) revolutionized the horror genre, which up until that point had become predictable and looked down upon by film critics, by bringing humor and a sense of self that was novel at the time. This movie presents the “rules” of horror films as well as revamping the […]