Author: Niamh Hannon


What to know about a trip to the Big Apple

A German, a Finnish and two Irish go to New York, yes it does sound like the beginning of a joke but I kid you not, this is a true story. In general, students of Western Carolina seem to go to class, eat, sleep, maybe party and then do […]


A home away from home?

Spring is almost upon us and as students dream of summer vacations and long lazy days, tensions can run high in tight dorm living spaces. For some, dorm living is a dream come true, with co-ed floors available and hundreds of college age kids in one building. But for […]


A spy is among us

For most students, the first day of college means saying goodbye to your parents, a first taste of freedom, the first step toward independence and a career, and well, let’s be honest, one massive party. For those entering college for the first time after serving for the United States […]


WCU students teach Spanish at Cullowhee school

Mae Claxton, assistant professor of English, was eager for her 9-year-old son to start learning Spanish and was disappointed he would not get to do so at his school.  “When you learn another language, you begin to learn about another culture, see a different perspective and think in new […]


WCU’s environmental health program opens student chapter of ASSE

Western Carolina University’s environmental health program recently chartered a student section of the American Society of Safety Engineers, an international organization of more than 32,000 safety, health and environmental professionals. Representatives and safety professionals from Region IV (the Southeast) and the Piedmont section of ASSE were in attendance to […]


WCU student helps Robbinsville resident prepare memoirs for museum

A Western Carolina University student recently helped a retired educator and British World War II veteran prepare memories of canoe trips in the south Florida wilderness during the 1950s for inclusion in a museum archive. As part of an internship for WCU’s professional writing program, WCU student Amanda Candler […]


Duke Energy project threatens sacred Kituwah Site

The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians may take legal action against Duke Energy after learning about the utility company’s plans to place an electric substation near the Cherokee tribe’s most sacred site, Kituwah mound. In November, Duke began bulldozing part of a mountainside region to prepare for construction of the […]


Dwindling tomato crop causes price increase and changes

This winter’s abnormally cold weather may not have only gotten you out of class—it may have affected your sandwich. Florida, the United States’ leading supplier of fresh winter tomatoes, lost an estimated 70 percent of this year’s crop during a January cold snap. While restaurants on or near campus are […]


Violence in Mexico impacts WCU students

#8220;The police are everywhere and they tend to arrest anyone, even if the circumstances are ridiculous. We are told not to trust them either,” said Jessica Harless, the only Western Carolina University student who is currently studying at Tecnológico De Monterrey, a university located in northern Mexico. The U.S. Department […]


Full campus smoking ban shelved at WCU

(Editor’s Note: The following is the third and final part of a series of stories that looks at the state of tobacco at WCU.)   The smoking experience at Western Carolina University will remain the same. On Wednesday, March 17, the SGA voted on resolution 1080. This resolution stated simply […]