Author: Max Kath


DVD Pick of The Week

This country is in a state of reflection and deep repair. We are in the throws of the worst economic crisis in a long while; we are coming off the coattails of George W. Bush, and we are moving into a new and exciting time in which artistic expression is […]


Mel Chin, Internationally Renowned Artist, to Speak at WCU

Mel Chin, American conceptual artist, will come to speak at WCU on Tuesday March 17 at 4:00 pm in the Fine and Performing Arts center in room 130. Art students and art appreciators should without a doubt mark this in their calendars, as Chin is a very important artist of […]


Watchmen: A History

Comic book fans, we’ve got another one– another superhero flick to round out last year’s “Iron Man” and “The Dark Knight”. Whether you’ve only just discovered the movie through the trailer or you’ve been an avid Alan Moore fan for years, you are probably highly anticipating “Watchmen,” hitting theaters on […]


Vagina Monologues 2009

On Feb. 10 and 11, Western Carolina University presented its 6th annual production of the Vagina Monologues. The collection of monologues was written by Eve Ensler and is based on actual interviews with women of various ages and backgrounds. I recently sat down with Kaleb Xander Lynch, the director of […]


Village Residents Asked To Fill Beds or Lose Houses

On Jan. 14, residents of The Village were encouraged to fill empty beds in order to keep their home. The due date, set at Feb. 13, was made to enforce the Terms of Participation. If beds are not filled in the homes, the organization will lose their house. According to […]


Western Counseling Center Participates with Stewards of Children Training

Staff and interns of WCU’s Counseling Center recently participated in the Stewards of Children Training designed to teach adults how to protect children and youth from sexual abuse. The training, developed by Darkness to Light, Inc., a non profit in Charleston, SC, is now being offered by trained facilitators throughout […]


New ‘A+’ System Takes Effect This Semester

Beginning this semester, students can be graded on a scale that recognizes not only an ‘A’, but an ‘A+’ as a valid grade. The system was initially proposed by the Student Government Association in the 2007 fall semester, and was approved by the Faculty Senate on Apr. 17, 2008. Last […]


Caudell Earns Two N.C. Press Awards

On Feb. 12, Justin Caudell, the Western Carolinian’s Editor-in-Chief, received two awards from the North Carolina Press Association at the 2008 News, Editorial and Photojournalism contest held at the Embassy Suites near Raleigh. Caudell took home an award in the General Sports Reporting and Sports Feature Writing categories. He received […]


Rave On!

On Feb. 6, Billy McGuigan was Buddy Holly at the Fine and Performing Arts Center. This was a part of the FPAC’s Galaxy of Stars Series. The show sold out fairly quickly and the house was packed. This event took place thirty years and three days after Buddy Holly was […]


A Review of The Fringe

It’s The X-Files, without Scully and Mulder. Or, at least, this was my first thought when I stumbled upon Fringe, a Fox series that premiered back in September. It has all of the traditional qualities of The X-Files: Supernatural gifts, telekinesis, impossible occurrences and computer viruses that melt human brains […]