
Lifestyle Local News

Gemini Tattoo shop now open in Sylva 

A new tattoo shop, Gemini Tattoo and Body Piercing, is up and running in Sylva beside Cook Out. The studio, established by Curtis Lamoureux, opened July 2022.  The shop is open from noon to 10 p.m. weekdays and noon to midnight Fridays and Saturdays. Gemini Tattoo currently has two artists, […]


Closed Curtain Review: Romeo and Juliet

“Are you kidding me?”  That was my first thought when the School of Stage and Screen’s Romeo & Juliet began on Thursday, Feb. 17.  It was a happy thought and one full of excitement because I knew that if the first minute of the play brought laughing tears to my […]


Catamounts maul Purple Eagles

Originally published in The Western Carolina Journalist.  The catamount baseball team opened up their 2022 regular season with a four-game series against the Niagara Purple Eagles on Feb. 18 through Feb. 20. See the full story:     The Cats collected an astounding amount of offense during the opening series. […]


New football players sign with WCU for next season

Originally published in The Western Carolina Journalist.  Western Carolina University football team is getting 30 new players hoping for an even better season than the 2021 season. The WCU Catamount Club and the Western Carolina Football coaching staff hosted a national signing day event via Zoom on Feb.3 and presented […]


WCU Baseball has new captains for the season

Originally published in The Western Carolina Journalist. Pitchers Zebby Matthews and Jacob Corn have been elected as team captains for the 2022 baseball season. Matthews, a junior right-handed starting pitcher, and Jackson County native, started in ten games last year, before an elbow injury sidelined him for the remainder of the season. In his […]


Student work ‘takes flight’ in airport gallery

This year’s annual showcase at the Asheville Regional Airport highlights students from Western Carolina University’s Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program as a group show.  The exhibit features eight WCU students who each demonstrate a different technique, theme, approach and discipline. Kate Chassner is one of the students featured in […]


Catamounts Create: Highlighting Student Art

The Western Carolina Student body is diverse in hobbies ranging from mountain biking and hiking to reading and collecting. Our student body is creative, active, and waiting to be recognized. Three students from three different concentrations agreed to meet with me to show our readers what making art as a […]


Opinion: A visit to the Holocaust exhibit

While walking around on campus, I came across an advertisement for the Holocaust Exhibit at the UC. It made me think about what history I had learned in my early education. A general overview of the tragedy, in the context of WW2, accompanied by a reading of Night.  It was […]