

Names revealed for under-construction residence halls

One of the most popular characteristics of WCU is its proximity to several beautiful, adventure-filled mountain ranges, national parks, and roaring rivers.  Nestled in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, WCU has proudly won the title of “Top Adventure College” five times from the annual Blue Ridge Outdoors magazine […]


Latinx comic book author speaks on diversity within the industry

Frederick Luis Aldama shared insight into what it’s like as a voice of Latinx representation in the comic book industry during his talk to Western Carolina University students over zoom on Oct. 13.   Aldama, also known as Professor Latinx, is a legend in the realm of Latinx comic book writing, […]


Updated, Controversial Residential Living Policy…. Now What?

Fall 2022 on-campus may look a little different than it does now for second-year students.  This change is because of a “new” policy that requires students to live on campus during their first two years of college. Policy 96 is not actually new, however, as it was first established in […]


Madison Cawthorn holds meeting despite mask mandates

Congressman Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina’s 11th Congressional district appeared at a Turning Point USA meeting on Oct. 5 at Western Carolina University. The controversial and conservative member of congress was seen by a crowd of an estimated 140 people from students, university staff and the community. Less than a […]


WCU vaccine clinic now offering all three COVID-19 boosters

In a campus update sent through email on Oct. 27, WCU Health Services announced that they are now providing booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccine.  Eligibility for the boosters are as followed:  Johnson and Johnson: Recipients of the J&J booster must be 18-years-old or older and must have received the […]


WCU vaccine clinic now offering all three COVID-19 boosters

In a campus update sent through email on Oct. 27, WCU Health Services announced that they are now providing booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccine.  Eligibility for the boosters are as followed:  Johnson and Johnson: Recipients of the J&J booster must be 18-years-old or older and must have received the […]


Rainy weather was no match for catamount spirit

For many, the week of homecoming here at WCU is loved by many for the tailgate at the football game, various student-pep activities and heartfelt reunions with alumni. This past homecoming followed the theme, “Roaring with Pride”, but that wasn’t the only thing that roared! The weather brought rain and […]


Project C.A.R.E. celebrates 30 years

All Western Carolina University students define home differently. Some might say home is where they were born or where they are currently living, however, for some students, their home goes by the name, Project C.A.R.E.  Project C.A.R.E will soon be celebrating 30 years of being on Western Carolina University’s campus. […]


What is the ‘body farm’?

Though the human decomposition facility, commonly known as the “Body Farm,” has been part of WCU for over a decade, most students still don’t know exactly what it is. Whether due to the location being kept a secret or that it’s just not discussed often, the ‘stinky jewel of western’ […]